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Reducing Radio Transmitter Power (and Why)

The Drone Loses the bind between Receiver and Commando 8 radio causing the drone to fall out of the sky:

We recommend all radios decrease power from 500mW to 25mW

If you find the radio and drone losing connection during flight (beyond "telemetry lost") and falling to the ground, we recommend reducing the transmitter power on the radio. The default is 500 mW. Using this much power in a small space can produce extraneous electrical noise which bounces off walls and can be reflected back at the source, commonly referred to as "multi-pathing." Most commonly seen in video transmission, the resulting noise interrupts the connection between radio and drone causing it to fall out of the sky. This is the equivalent to standing in a cave yelling at the top of your lungs detailed instruction while someone on the far end tries to get every detail. The echoing would be so intense it would be completely intelligible. If you spoke at a normal conversational volume the sound would carry and they could hear everything. We recommend reducing the VTX power to 10mW or 25 mW using the instructions below. This is still more than enough power to maintain connection across a football field worth of distance and significantly reduces the extraneous electrical noise as well as the noise from the other drones playing the game. 500mW is used for connection distances measured in miles (overkill for Drone Soccer). Follow the steps below. Soon this will become the default in all future radios.

Turn on radio and click the left joystick button above the green power lights. This will bring you to the "Tools" menu. Use the right thumbstick to scroll down and select "ExpressLRS"

Scroll down with the right thumbstick. then click the thumb stick to select "TX Power (500mW)" 

Highlight the "500" by selecting with the right thumbstick and it will start blinking. Push up on the button to decrease the number down to 10 or 25mW. Click the right button again to lock it in and you are done. Scroll down to "BACK" and select or turn the radio off.

If you have additional questions or need further assistance please reach out via the "Contact Us" under the About tab above. We do our best to respond in under an hour.