The mission of U.S. Drone Soccer is to make aerospace education accessible for all students.
Core Values
We are committed to providing opportunities in aerospace to teachers and families by eliminating barriers to entry. Our priority is creating a safe space for learning and professional growth regardless of background or prior experience.
We are committed to the growth of local outreach programs and creating robust support networks for drone education. Together we will foster a culture of safety, equal opportunity, and mutual respect to ensure that all participants are welcomed and valued.
We will ensure that all students can contribute to their team’s success through communication, leadership, and collaboration. Students will mirror professional aerospace team principles of responsibility, integrity, and accountability.
Code of Conduct
Fielding Diverse Coed Teams
All teams must intentionally create and maintain a welcome and supportive environment for new pilots, and ensure equal representation and participation of all genders, abilities, and communities that have been historically excluded from aviation.
Respect and Anti-Harassment
All players have the right to equal participation and respect without fear, bullying, intimidation, or belittlement. U.S. Drone Soccer maintains a zero tolerance policy for bullying, racism, bigotry, and sexual harassment. All officials and coaches have a duty to immediately report known or suspected situations involving a minor that are unsafe or inappropriate. It is a violation of this policy to retaliate against any person who asserts their rights regarding harassment.
Safe Aircraft Operation
Each pilot and crew member must take responsibility for the condition and operation of their drones and equipment. All flights should be conducted in a netted arena or designated practice area. Reckless flight or intentional damage to other teams or players will not be tolerated. Each participant, students and teacher, must practice good situational awareness to ensure the safety of themselves and others.
Anonymous Reporting
Mirroring practices in professional aviation, all concerns about unsafe situations or inappropriate conduct can be anonymously provided to league administrators. Please include your contact information and a description of your concerns to [email protected]. Personally identifying information will be kept confidential unless prior consent is obtained, or the situation involves a suspected crime or threat to public safety that must be reported to law enforcement.
Integrity & Fair Play
Teams cannot interfere with the equipment or operations of other teams. Examples of prohibited activities include radio frequency interference or jamming, hacking, distraction, disruptive chatter, eavesdropping, or tampering with equipment in any way.