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Engineered To 

Change The Game 

The All-New Saker HD Pro Exoskeleton

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Get involved with one of the world's fastest growing STEM sports.

Join a growing community of 300+ schools nationwide.

Drone Sports, Inc. is proud to be the official sponsor of the U.S. Drone Soccer Association.

Drone soccer inspires students to pursue aerospace & science education and career opportunities by providing a hierarchy of competitions and events that highlight student skills in engineering, aviation, teamwork and leadership. 

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Drone Sports, Inc. provides the tools and equipment to help schools adopt accessible pathways for students into high-demand, high-paying aerospace careers. Join our mailing list:

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Middle & High School Career Education

Our primary offering...immersive industry skills training as students build, program, innovate, and learn to fly open-source aircraft as a team. Full-contact gameplay takes place inside a netted arena that fits in any school, serving as an exciting feeder program for advanced courses and aviation careers. 

U19 Youth Guide

The Economic Impact of Drone Soccer

Drone soccer boosts recruitment and retention into aerospace careers for women and underserved students. We provide industry training courses and curriculum for educators to establish lasting aviation pathways at every level from elementary through post-graduate. Extracurricular competitive leagues foster mentorship, teamwork, and leadership through the language of professional aviation.



Enroll your Organization

We will walk you through all steps towards implementation, with a simple B2B portal for educational partners.

Enroll your organization today